From Main Street U.S.A.: Democratic Coup dEtat

billBy Bill Muchison Where to begin?  Surely with the nature ... the inner meaning ... of the health care debacle.   We best understand the March 21  catastrophe as a political coup detat -- a stroke meant to change Americas perception of itself as a country of robust  opportunity and individual freedom.   The speaker of the House on Sunday bludgeoned and bribed 219 Democrats to support her and the Presidents substitute conception of what the country is about.   The United States of Pelosi and Obama is a society of ants industriously toiling in order to hand over to government most of their unneeded" resources so that government with its superior wisdom might  distribute those resources for the  larger good."  Common sense and the polls show this view of America to be  unattainable and undesirable.  Yet  the Obamacrats  believe it with all their hearts. That is what disturbs and disrupts.  The Obamacrats  low opinion of American intelligence and character destines us for a long inglorious political/electoral  battle to reverse the obama6results of their coup  to throw out not only the rascals but their handiwork.  It wont  be easy.  Wed better recognize right now that we may succeed only in part.  I have quoted before in this context the famous classical tag Those whom the gods would destroy they first make mad."  The saying takes on exquisite relevance following the  coup.   Two hundred nineteen of our duly elected representatives appear to have parted company with their mental gear assuming they initially had any worth noticing.   Certainly their moral compasses if any played them false. Anybody can commit a policy blunder  believing one strategic course better than the alternatives.   We all make mistakes of this character.  The Houses mistakes are of a much more mischievous sort. First  the Obamacrat coup  leaders passed a bill they know good and well (unless theyre thoroughly unhinged) to be  pie in the sky: unaffordable without future tax increases and service cuts.   Nor as is generally agreed does the bill do anything to restrain medical costs which will  grow inexorably as more and clamor to receive  more and more.   How are we going to be able even to fund Medicare without substantial  cutbacks and tax hikes given general health cares new demand on healthinsureanceresources? The coup leaders second offense committed with the encouragement of  their president has been all along frankly to lie about what they were up to and not just concerning costs.  Insurance premiums wont fall theyll shoot skyward to cover the governments new stipulations.  Thats merely one example of  the coup leaders deceit their basic rhetorical dishonesty.  From the Obamacare fight  theres been no actual debate" -- we get moral corruption of unprecedented  size. In some sense the worst of the matter is the battle royal  that the coup precipitates.   Its inevitable with polls indicating massive opposition to  Obamacare.   Speaking of care the Democrats didnt.  The policy on which they settled was to muscle the thing through without reference to the desires of poor dumb  Americans relatively few of whom could have foreseen this outcome when their new   postpartisan" president  took office. The domestic bitterness anger and alienation to which the coup consigns us were as the leaders saw it part of the price to be paid for victory  mere collateral damage  sorry couldnt be helped.   Whether amid economic stagnation and foreign policy challenges the nation needs such a war as were in right now is a matter that seems not to concern the coup leaders content as they are to preen over their preliminary success at transforming  their country into a European-style welfare state. The coming backlash at the polls in 2010 and 2012 will thwart them in some measure.   How great  a measure nonetheless?   Great enough to prevent a total federal takeover of health care or merely enough to palliate the consequences?   Great enough to preserve the United States as a nation largely hospitable to liberty as against condescending suffocating paternalism?  No one knows.  All one knows is that the  battle is on.  Down with the coup and its melancholy  fruits. William Murchison is the author of Mortal Follies: Episcopalians and the Crisis of Mainline Christianity."
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