By Treto GarzaState Rep. Ren Oliveira D-Brownsville speaks to the Veterans Alliance in Weslaco on Monday.
WESLACO Feb. 22 - Recently the Veterans Alliance of the Rio Grande Valley met with Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst and state Sens. Eddie Lucio and Juan Chuy" Hinojosa to press claims for the building of a VA hospital in the region.
On Monday the Alliance met with Texas House members on the same issue. In attendance at Weslaco City Hall were Reps. Ren Oliveira D-Brownsville Veronica Gonzales D-McAllen Armando Mando Martinez D-Weslaco and Aaron Pea D-Edinburg. State Reps. Eddie Lucio D-San Benito and Tara Rios Ybarra D-South Padre Island sent representatives to monitor the session.
Oliveira told the veterans that he was going to be candid with them about the present state budget situation. Legislators could be facing a $15 billion deficit next session. Although he wholeheartedly supports the efforts of Valley veterans to get a VA hospital Oliveira said there is going to be a lot of competition for funds in the upcoming session.
Oliveira chair of the House Committee on Ways and Means explained to the veterans the economic problems plaguing the state. He said no one running for Governor has yet to state how they will deal with the projected deficit and how to pay to get out of the hole. Plus every organization governmental body etc. is going to be asking for monies. Everyone is going to want their cut he said.
There will a shortage of funds Oliveira predicted. He assured the veterans however that he would not lay aside their efforts to get a veterans hospital. He said veterans would be protected. What is needed is an amount which will cover the construction and maintenance of a VA hospital he said. He said he also needs to know if land is available.
Proposition 8 which was approved overwhelmingly by the voters of Texas last November allows the state of Texas for the first time to provide money land and other resources to construct VA hospitals in the State.
Pea told the veterans that he was 100 percent behind the efforts to bring a VA hospital to the Valley having marched with them on a number of occasions. Veterans need to let the Valley legislative delegation how it can help and what needs to be done he said. Pea said he is ready to do his part in Austin.
Gonzales chair of the House Committee on Border and Intergovernmental Affairs told the veterans that they are preaching to the choir" because all the local legislators present have been in full support of efforts to bring a VA hospital to the Valley. She said the need is so great it over shadows the cost. But the funds will have to found she said. She suggested that veterans prepare a package and bring forth the numbers that will help convince legislators and state leaders. She committed to follow up with other Valley legislators to work toward a solution and make sure that their colleagues in other parts of the state are informed on important the issue is.
Martinez said he has been behind the efforts to bring a VA hospital to the Valley for a long time. He reminded those present that he had submitted a House Resolution in 2005 asking for a VA hospital for the Valley.
Martinez has offered concrete proposals on where the money would come from for a VA hospital for the Valley. He told the Guardian recently that he will file legislation to tap into the Texas Enterprise Fund and the Texas Emerging Technology Fund for a Valley veterans hospital.
Martinez said he is optimistic that his idea would be embraced by Gov. Rick Perry Dewhurst and House Speaker Jose Straus because it would benefit all regions of the state.
The time is always right to help veterans and their families especially when they are fighting for our nation and our freedoms on the other side of the world" Martinez told the Guardian. The people of Texas year after year after year have made it crystal clear that when it comes to our wounded war veterans we shall always take care of our own."
On Monday Martinez exhorted veterans to stay united and continue the fight. He said he understands there might be some division among veterans but that needs to be resolved in the interest of what is best for all a VA hospital.
Also present at the meeting were representatives from U.S. Sens. Kay Bailey Hutchison R-Texas and John Cornyn R-Texas. Ana Garcia representing Cornyn recommended that a joint letter from the state legislators and the U.S. Congressional delegation be written requesting that Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric Shinseki visit the Valley to meet with local veterans. Everyone applauded the idea.
Julian Alvarez representing Hutchison said the senator is fully committed to veterans issues. He said Hutchison has stated that the veterans should get a VA hospital and she will work toward that goal.
Homer Gallegos chair of the Veterans Alliance thanked each and everyone on the panel. He told them that veterans would continue the fight and would be looking to work closely with each of them as the 82nd Legislature approaches. Gallegos said he was glad that each and everyone had agreed to help and make their offices available to the veterans.
Most of the veterans were glad to have had most of the Valley legislative delegation come together before them to tell them what needs to be done and that they are committed to helping. Many feel positive and think that the Valley will eventually get a VA hospital.
Treto Garzais with the Veterans Alliance of the Rio Grande Valley