By Gary Bauer
Published: 06-22-07
Published: 06-22-07

Yesterday’s Washington Times breaks down the GOP split into three camps: supporters opponents and “a large bloc of wavering Republicans” who could determine the outcome.
Those “wavering” senators are: Alexander (TN); Bennett (UT); Chambliss (GA); Cochran (MS); Coleman (MN); Collins (ME); Craig (ID); Domenici (NM); Gregg (NH); Hatch (UT); Hutchison (TX); Isakson (GA); Kyl (AZ); Lott (MS); McConnell (KY); Murkowski (AK); Snowe (ME); Stevens (AK); and Warner (VA).
Meanwhile House Democrats are conflicted about how to proceed.
According to one report there is some resistance to the “comprehensive” approach and a number of Democrats want the issue divided into multiple bills so that security issues could be handled separately from amnesty for example.
Coincidentally or not Representatives Peter King (R-NY) and Lamar Smith (R-TX) introduced the Secure Borders First Act yesterday which contains no amnesty provisions would enhance border security measures stiffen workplace enforcement make English our official language and calls on the president to enforce 12 existing immigration laws.