GOPAC-TX Formally Announced

width=143House and Senate Republicans joined by two-time All-American offensive lineman Dan Neil formally announced the creation of GOPAC-TX yesterday at an evening press conference.GOPAC-TX is officially registered as a Texas PAC separate from the national GOPAC organization. The two however will work cwidth=450losely with each other. Founded in 1979 GOPAC past chairmen include Newt Gingrich and current RNC Chairman Michael Steele. GOPAC helps coordinate similar state PACs across the country. Phil King Chairman of GOPAC-TX said the groups purpose will be to elect Republicans to the Texas Legislature. Asked about the type of candidates GOPAC-TX will support and if the group will be involved in primaries King said GOPAC-TX would help candidates in primary races and they would support any candidate that stands for limited government free enterprise individual liberty and traditional family values. GOPAC-TXs executive board currently has over 30 members and King said he expects all 76 House members to participate before long. Some key names on the executive commitee are: Judy Morrison Dan Flynn(also Chair of the Advisory Committee) Wayne Christian Carl Isett Todd Hunter Sen. Jane Nelson Sen Dan Patrick and Judge Randy Diaz.width=341 The group hopes to raise around $4 million but expects even more than that. Theres a lot of talk about bi-partisianship. Bi-partisianship is important. There are a lot of fine people we work with across the aisle and many issues are issues that we can work  together on. But theres a difference between the two parties a clear difference in the beliefs values & principles & the vision of our state. When it comes down to those issues I want to win. Its not about bi-partisianship on the issues. The people send us here to represent them & to win on those issues. We need more Republicans in the House said Senator Patrick. GOPAC-TX will have a website coming soon and King hinted that more announcements would soon follow.
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