Gov. Perry Announces $1 Mill. TEF Investment in McLane Advanced Technologies

perry-shaAUSTIN Gov. Rick Perry announced today that Texas will invest $1 million through the Texas Enterprise Fund (TEF) for the expansion and modernization of McLane Advanced Technologies facilities in Temple. The company will create 225 new jobs and $9 million in capital investment. Despite the national economic downturn Texas stands out as a leader and the best state in the nation to live work and raise a family because of our low taxes reasonable and predictable regulatory environment and diverse and educated workforce" Gov. Perry said. This TEF investment will bring 225 jobs to Temple and strengthen Texas growing economy." McLane provides information technology logistic and business services to a variety of clients including the U.S. Army. The company combines distribution experience with professionals from the military and private sectors to assist with logistical needs for the Department of Defense and has modernized three of the Armys logistical systems. We are very excited about helping to expand the Temple-area economy and hope that companies looking for a new facility location will take a closer look at what Temple has to offer" said Drayton McLane Jr. owner of McLane Group and McLane Advanced Technologies.  MAT has continued to grow within the commercial military and government sectors and add employees and the Texas Enterprise Fund was a key factor in our decision to expand our operations to accommodate that growth in Temple." The creation of high-quality jobs with competitive salaries is important to our local economy and the Texas Enterprise Fund been instrumental in helping realize that goal" Temple Economic Development Corporation President Lee Peterson said. The expansion at McLane Advanced Technologies perfectly fits this goal and we are thrilled to witness McLanes continued commitment to Temple and its ongoing business growth and expansion." At Gov. Perrys request the legislature created the TEF in 2003 and re-appropriated funding in 2005 2007 and 2009 to help ensure the growth of Texas businesses and create more jobs throughout the state. The fund has since become one of the states most competitive tools to recruit and bolster business. To date the TEF has invested more than $383 million and closed the deal on projects generating an estimated 55587 new jobs and more than $14 billion in capital investment in the state. For more information about the TEF please visit or
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