Gov. Perry Announces $250000 Emerging Technology Fund Investment to Commercialize Robotic Control Technology

width=65AUSTIN Gov. Rick Perry has announced the state will invest $250000 through the Texas Emerging Technology Fund (ETF) in Agile Planet Inc. for the commercialization of their RobotLogix universal operating software. As innovative technologies change the way we live and work we must find ways to advance our progress by adapting to the challenges raised by these technologies Gov. Perry said. This investment in RobotLogix will help jump start the emerging field of robotics while enhancing and expanding the Texas diverse technology sector. RobotLogix is a general purpose operating software that will create the capability for safe human-robot collaboration by combining standard factory controls with the innovative integrating software. By streamlining the control process across all robot types the software minimizes integration and lifecycle costs improves performance and allows for future human-robot collaboration. The worldwide robotics market was estimated at $11 billion in 2005 and is projected to grow to nearly $25 billion in 2010 and $65 billion in 2025. Agile Planet has partnered with the University of Texas at Austins McCombs School of Business Austin Technology Incubator and Austin Community Colleges Chairman for Robotics to develop and market the technology. The ETF is a $200 million initiative created by the Texas Legislature in 2005 at the governors request and was reauthorized in 2007. A 17-member advisory committee of high-tech leaders entrepreneurs and research experts reviews potential projects and recommends funding allocations to the governor lieutenant governor and speaker of the house. To date the ETF has allocated $88 million in funds to 70 early stage companies. For more information on the ETF please visit
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