Gov. Perry Announces Facebook to Create 200 Jobs in Austin

perry-rickAUSTIN On his own Facebook page Gov. Rick Perry today announced that the state will invest $1.4 million through the Texas Enterprise Fund (TEF) for Facebook to create a sales and operations office in Austin. This investment will create 200 jobs and more than $3.1 million in capital investment. The TEF funding is conditioned upon the finalization of a local incentive agreement with the City of Austin. The TEF continues to be a critical deal closing tool for Texas helping to attract jobs and businesses and grow our states diverse economy" Gov. Perry said on his own Texas Governor Facebook page. Facebooks expansion in Austin will enhance the areas robust technology industry create 200 jobs for Texans and strengthen the economy in Central Texas." Facebook is a social networking service that enables 400 million people around the world to communicate more efficiently with friends family and coworkers in a trusted environment. This office represents the first major U.S. expansion outside of Palo Alto Calif. where the company is headquartered. Weve been exploring various options around the U.S. to establish an additional online sales and operations office and were grateful to the assistance weve received from the Governors office and the states leadership in discussing the possibilities in Austin" Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg said. Facebook continues to grow and Austin with its deep talent pool would allow us to hire the high-caliber employees we need to properly serve the people advertisers and developers that rely on our service." At Gov. Perrys request the legislature created the TEF in 2003 and re-appropriated funding in 2005 2007 and 2009 to help ensure the growth of Texas businesses and create more jobs throughout the state. TEF projects must be approved by the governor lieutenant governor and speaker of the House. The fund has since become one of the states most competitive tools to recruit and bolster business. To date the TEF has invested more than $388.6 million and closed the deal on projects generating nearly 52000 new jobs and more than $14.3 billion in capital investment in the state. For more information about the TEF please visit or
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