Facility will provide firearms training for law enforcement officials

AUSTIN Gov. Rick Perry announced the Governors Criminal Justice Division has given the City of Austin a $410000 grant for the creation of the Austin Police Departments Mobile Forced Options Simulator Range a mobile shooting range that will provide firearms training for licensed law enforcement officials.
Peace officers put their lives on the line daily to keep our communities safe and we must ensure that they receive the training necessary to do their jobs protect themselves and protect Texans" Gov. Perry said. This mobile shooting range will provide officers with this essential training in a controlled learning environment that allows them to safely improve the skills necessary to perform their duties."
The Mobile Forced Options Simulator Range features a virtual target system that provides greater flexibility in training development by using ballistic protection and acoustic insulation to muffle sound allowing officers to train at any police sub-station without disturbing surrounding neighborhoods. The program also uses filmed scenarios to put officers in true-life situations to develop decision-making abilities.
The mobile shooting range is housed in a 53-foot trailer that will be moved by tractor-trailer every three to six weeks to designated secure locations citywide. While at each location the mobile range has the capacity to operate 24 hours a day 7 days a week. It will be available to officers in the 10 county Capitol Area Council of Governments Region.