Gov. Perry Announces Kohls to Create More 1000 Jobs in San Antonio

TEF helps close deal on retailers customer operations center width=96AUSTIN Gov. Rick Perry today announced the state will invest $750000 through the Texas Enterprise Fund (TEF) in Kohls Department Stores Inc. for the creation of a customer operations center in San Antonio. Kohls is committed to creating 150 jobs through the TEF investment but anticipates generating more than 1000 jobs and $18 million in capital investment. Companies across the nation are looking to Texas as the place to grow their business thanks to our low taxes reasonable and predictable regulatory climate skilled workforce and incentives such as the Texas Enterprise Fund" Gov. Perry said. This TEF investment in Kohls will bring more than 1000 jobs to San Antonio and further strengthen and diversify this vibrant communitys economic environment." This new facility will provide e-commerce credit analysis and collections functions for the growing retail chain.  Our goal is to create thousands of new jobs for San Antonians in 2010 and this announcement goes a long way toward fulfilling that mission" San Antonio Mayor Julin Castro said. We also aim to bring sustainable eco-friendly business and opportunity to San Antonio. In 2009 Kohls was named by Newsweek magazine the countrys leading green retailer and ranked in the top 20 greenest companies nationwide. Kohls is a great addition to our growing green enterprises." We are extremely pleased with Kohls decision to expand in San Antonio" Bexar County Judge Nelson Wolff said. San Antonio has been able to maintain great momentum through an economically challenging time and Kohls choice of San Antonio is a testament to their confidence in our workforce and our community. We look forward to seeing the new center operating very soon." Kohls is a recognized leader in the retail industry and a booming Fortune 500 company" said Kenny Wilson Chair of the Board of the San Antonio Economic Development Foundation and Central and South Texas president for Bank of America. Kohls choice to place their financing and e-commerce center here adding more than 1000 jobs only strengthens our growing economy. We are excited they have chosen San Antonio as the site of their first major expansion outside of their headquarters office." At Gov. Perrys request the legislature created the TEF in 2003 and re-appropriated funding in 2005 2007 and 2009 to help ensure the growth of Texas businesses and create more jobs throughout the state. TEF projects must be approved by the governor lieutenant governor and speaker of the House. The fund has since become one of the states most competitive tools to recruit and bolster business. To date the TEF has invested more than $391.8 million and closed the deal on projects generating more than 52600 new jobs and more than $14.3 billion in capital investment in the state. For more information about the TEF please visit or
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