Gov. Perry Announces Natura World to Open Manufacturing Facility In Wichita Falls

TEF investment will create 400 jobs perry-shaWICHITA FALLS Gov. Rick Perry today announced the state will invest $1.5 million through the Texas Enterprise Fund (TEF) in Natura World for the opening of a manufacturing facility in Wichita Falls that will serve as the companys U.S. headquarters. This investment will create 400 jobs for Texans and more than $24.9 million in capital investment. The success of our state is built primarily on the efforts of hardworking Texans combined with our low taxes reasonable and predictable regulatory climate and skilled workforce which continue to attract employers who know that theyll get the chance to succeed in Texas" Gov. Perry said. Our economy has a strong core which will be strengthened with Natura Worlds new facility and the hundreds of jobs for Texans and millions in capital investment it will generate." Natura World manufactures mattresses pillows and bedding products using organic and gel components called Gel Solutions. The Wichita Falls facility will be the companys first U.S. based manufacturing and distribution facility. Opening a new operation in the U.S. gives us much needed room for expansion" Natura World Inc. President Ralph Rossdeutscher said. And it tells our customers we are committed to continuing our rapid growth. We had all but made the decision to locate in another state when I visited Wichita Falls and completely changed direction. Wichita Falls central location excellent workforce and generous incentives including the Texas Enterprise Fund tipped the scales in their favor." We are excited to welcome such an environmentally focused company to Wichita Falls" Wichita Falls Mayor Lanham Lyne said. In todays challenging economic times its rare to find a manufacturing company that has been so remarkably successful in recent years that they are forced to add capacity to meet growing market demands. This project simply would not have happened without the participation of the Texas Enterprise Fund and area leaders all pulling in the same direction. It proves once again that when we all work together the results are amazing." At Gov. Perrys request the legislature created the TEF in 2003 and re-appropriated funding in 2005 2007 and 2009 to help ensure the growth of Texas businesses and create more jobs throughout the state. TEF projects must be approved by the governor lieutenant governor and speaker of the House. The fund has since become one of the states most competitive tools to recruit and bolster business. To date the TEF has invested more than $388.6 million and closed the deal on projects generating nearly 52000 new jobs and more than $14.3 billion in capital investment in the state. For more information about the TEF please visit or
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