Published: 02-12-08
AUSTIN – Gov. Rick Perry today awarded $889943 to nine forensic crime labs throughout the state. These grants are awarded through the federal Coverdell National Forensic Sciences Improvement Act fund and distributed by the Governor’s Criminal Justice Division (CJD).
“Texas must provide law enforcement with the latest in forensic science technology in order to protect our citizens while ensuring our criminal justice system does not wrongfully convict the innocent” said Gov. Perry. “These grants will bring justice to those who victimize fellow Texans and violate our laws.”
The federal Coverdell program improves forensic science and medical examiner services by providing new equipment updated training and necessary laboratory staff. Each year CJD awards more than $113 million in grants for a variety of juvenile justice criminal justice and victim services programs.
The Coverdell National Forensic Sciences Improvement funds are awarded to:
Award Amount
Project Title
Bexar County
Bexar County Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Project
City of Austin
Austin Police Department Coverdell Project
City of Fort Worth
Crime Laboratory Enhancement Project
City of Houston
Forensic Science
City of Pasadena
Coverdell Crime Lab Improvement Grant
Dallas County
Controlled Substances Project
Harris County
Paul Coverdell Forensic Improvement Program
Jefferson County
Forensic Science Improvement
Tarrant County
Human Identification Backlog Reduction