Gov. Perry Breaks Ground on A&M-Central Texas Campus

Quality Higher Education is Essential to Strengthening Texas Workforce width=71KILLEEN Gov. Rick Perry speaking at a groundbreaking ceremony for a new facility at Texas A&M- Central Texas today highlighted the states commitment to ensuring Texans have access to a quality higher education. Quality higher education is not only essential to the strength of our states workforce it is also the best avenue to a better life by accelerating students toward continued success greater prosperity and a brighter future" Gov. Perry said.     This campus will provide access to a quality education for a diverse and growing student body including active duty and retired military and members of military families who are working toward a better life." Texas A&M-Central Texas which became part of the Texas A&M University System in 2009 offers bachelors and masters degrees. The new multi-purpose building will provide space for classes lecture halls a bookstore administration offices a student services office and academic offices. Ensuring that Texas remains a leader in job creation depends on the development of our workforce and is imperative to Texas future prosperity. Gov. Perry is committed to ensuring all Texans who pursue a higher education have access to an affordable and accountable system. Stressing the importance of a college education the governor worked with lawmakers to secure $22.8 billion for higher education for the current biennium including $1.1 billion in state financial aid. To help further keep the cost of attending college down Gov. Perry signed an executive order in September 2009 calling for a comprehensive review of higher education cost efficiencies. To improve the quality of higher education in the state voters passed Proposition 4 and Gov. Perry signed House Bill 51 which will create more tier one universities in the state giving Texas students the opportunity to study in the most premier research facilities available. HB 51 also provides a performance incentive funding mechanism for all of the states general academic institutions based on the average number of degrees awarded annually and the increase in the average number of degrees awarded annually with weighted consideration for at-risk students and critical fields. For more information about the governors higher education priorities please visit
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