Published: 02-15-08
Kicks-Off 5th Annual Texas Round-Up to be held April 26th in Austin
AUSTIN – Gov. Rick Perry today kicked-off the 5th annual Texas Round-Up challenging Texans to make exercise and healthy lifestyle choices part of their daily routine. The governor was joined by members of the Austin Police Department and Fire Department running teams who will compete in this year’s 10K on April 26th.
“The Texas Round-Up is an opportunity to motivate friends and family and even ourselves to get active and make healthier choices in our daily lives” Perry said. “With the entire state of Texas as a work out partner we can all reach our fitness goals.”
Since 2004 more than 66000 Texans have participated in Texas Round-Up. The February kick-off gives Texans a chance to sign up for a free online training program GetFitTexas where they can track their exercise progress and access training tips and advice before the big race in April. Each participant who completes the online training program will receive a signed certificate from Gov. Perry.
This year 25 Round-Up-affiliate cities are leading efforts to make Texas the fittest state in the nation. These cities include Austin Bay City Bevil Oaks Brenham Denton Dish Dumas El Paso Euless Georgetown Grand Prairie Houston Longview Midland Northlake Onalaska Palestine Pilot Point Port Aransas Roanoke Round Rock Slaton South Padre Island Sugar Land and Temple. Several cities will hold fitness events in their local communities.
Also new this year Texas Round-Up was selected to host the USA Track & Field Masters 10K National Championships. USA Track & Field is the national governing body for track and field long-distance running and race walking in the U.S. Hosting the Masters Championships will bring an elite group of runners from across the country to compete in Austin.
On Saturday April 26th the Texas Round-Up celebration will finish with a fitness festival at the State Capitol. The festival encourages children and families to make fitness and nutrition a priority in their lives. Festivities include 5K and 10K competitive races the USA Masters 10K Championships the family mile race and a fit kids fun zone with interactive demonstrations and activities. The winner of the “Fit Texan” contest which began last fall will also be announced.
“You don’t have to be a marathon runner to get in shape. There are endless creative ways to work exercise into our daily routines” said Perry. “Leading a sedentary lifestyle leads to unnecessary health risks and unhappiness. Texas Round-Up offers a place for everyone – those who are new to exercise and those who have been running all their lives. I encourage all Texans to find an easy way to get moving!”
An avid runner Gov. Perry has made fitness and healthy lifestyles choices an important part of his healthcare initiatives. Too many Texans face serious health problems as a result of poor nutrition and lack of exercise. Complications from being obese cost the state billions of dollars each year from lost productivity and increased burden on the healthcare system.
For a complete list of Texas Round-Up affiliate cities and fitness events please visit