Gov. Perry Makes 10 Student Regent Appointments

Published: 05-12-08

width=65AUSTIN – Gov. Rick Perry has appointed 10 student regents to their respective university systems and one student representative to serve on the Higher Education Coordinating Board for terms to expire May 31 2009. In 2005 Gov. Perry signed legislation directing each public university board of regents to include one non-voting student member. In 2007 the governor signed legislation creating a student representative position on the Coordinating Board.

Higher Education Coordinating Board
Charles E. “Trey” Lewis III of Houston
is a law student at the University of Houston. He is a member of Phi Beta Kappa and the National Political Science Honor Society. He is also a mentor at Mathews Elementary School. Lewis received a bachelor’s degree in government from the University of Texas at Austin.

Midwestern State University
Haley Lain of Wichita Falls
is an assistant in the Midwestern University Student Development and Orientation Center. She is a member of Mortar Board Alpha Chi Phi Alpha Theta Pi Sigma Alpha Alpha Lambda Delta and Phi Eta Sigma honor societies. She is also a member of Student Ambassadors and Baptist Student Ministries. Lain received a bachelor’s degree and is pursuing a master’s degree in political science from Midwestern State University. She replaces Jason York of Wichita Falls.

Stephen F. Austin State University
Lacey Claver of Joshua
is president of the Stephen F. Austin State University Student Activities Association. She is a past director of Jack Camp past chief justice of the Student Government Association and a member of the promotions committee for Nacogdoches Main Street. Claver is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in hospitality administration. She replaces Stephanie Tracy of Houston.

Texas A&M University System
Anthony Cullins of Commerce
is the outgoing student body president at Texas A&M University- Commerce. He is a member of the Dallas-Fort Worth Cisco User Group Black Data Processing Associates Order of Omega Greek Honor Society and Alpha Phi Alpha. He is also team captain for Relay for Life and a past member of the Texas A&M University-Commerce President Search Committee. Cullins is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in management information systems from Texas A&M University Commerce. He replaces Cassidy Daniel of Canyon.

Texas Southern University
Kristopher Krishna of Houston
is a law student at Texas Southern University. He is a member of Phi Alpha Delta and the American Bar Association. He is also a past organizer for Toys for Tots and the San Antonio Food Bank. He is a former mentor in the Southwest Texas Independent School District and past fundraising coordinator for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Houston. He also served as a captain in the U.S. Air Force. Krishna received a bachelor’s degree in occupational education from Texas State University. He replaces Larry Taylor of Ferris.

Texas State University System
Nicole Lozano of Austin
is community coordinator for New Life Housing. She is a member of the Ronald E. McNair Post Baccalaureate Achievement Program Phi Theta Kappa and Golden Key International Honor Society. She is also an advocate and children’s worker for SAAFE House. Lozano is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Sam Houston State University. She replaces Magdalena Manzano of Houston.

Texas Tech University System
Kelli Stumbo of Lubbock
is a law clerk at Texas Tech University Student Legal Services. She is a member of the Student Bar Association American Bar Association and Lubbock Lions Club. She is past president of the Texas Tech Student Government Association and chair of the Young Professionals of Greater Lubbock. Stumbo is pursuing a master’s degree in public affairs and law degree from Texas Tech University where she received a bachelor’s degree in public relations. She replaces Ebtesam Attay Islam of Lubbock.

Texas Women’s University
Scarlett Pope of Grapevine
is the opinion editor for the Texas Women’s University student newspaper. She is president of Face AIDS program coordinator for Campus Representatives Encouraging Wellness and an orientation leader and member of Vox and the Student Health Advisory Committee. She is also a volunteer for Clean Water for Haiti Seeds of Change and Pure Water for the World. Pope is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in nursing from Texas Women’s University. She replaces Christianne Kellet of Arlington.

University of Houston
Tamara Goodwin of Houston
is a law student at the University of Houston. She is a student member of the American Bar Association and the Texas Society of Certified Public Accountants. She is also a mentor with Big Brothers Big Sisters and articles editor for the Houston Journal of International Law. Goodwin received a bachelor’s degree from the University of California at Santa Barbara and is pursuing a law degree and master’s degree in accountancy from the University of Houston. She replaces Christopher Sharpe of Houston.

University of Texas System
Benjamin Dower of Austin
is president of the University of Texas at Dallas Student Government. He is a member of the American Student Government Association and editor of the University of Texas at Dallas student newspaper. He volunteers for Coats for Kids ARC of the Capital Area and Disability Awareness. Dower is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of Texas at Dallas. He replaces Randal Camarillo of Houston.

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