Published: 11-05-08
Also Appoints Fredricks to Commission
AUSTIN – Gov. Rick Perry has named Jose Cuevas Jr. of Midland chair of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission for a term to expire at the pleasure of the governor. The governor also appointed Melinda S. Fredricks of Conroe to the commission for a term to expire Nov. 15 2013. The commission supervises and regulates all phases of the alcoholic beverage industry.
Cuevas is president and founder of JumBurrito Inc. He is a member of the Texas and Permian Basin Restaurant associations and the Midland Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. He is also a volunteer with the Midland United Way.
Cuevas has been awarded Texas Classroom Teachers Association Friend of Education Award and the Midland College Business & Economic Development Center Asset Building Award for his work in creating the Home Ownership Incentive Program.
Fredricks is a former teacher and community volunteer. She is a member of the Texas Medical Board and past chair of the board’s legislative committee. Fredericks received a bachelor’s and master’s degree in education from the University of North Texas. She replaces John T. Steen of San Antonio.