Published: 12-16-08
Appoints Kalafut to Texas Medical Board District Review Committee
AUSTIN – Gov. Rick Perry has named Irvin E. Zeitler Jr. of San Angelo president of the Texas Medical Board (TMB) for a term to expire at the pleasure of the governor. The board protects and enhances the public’s health safety and welfare by establishing and maintaining standards of excellence used in regulating the practice of medicine and ensuring quality health care for the citizens of Texas.
The governor also appointed Roberta Kalafut of Abilene to the TMB District Three Review Committee for a term to expire Jan. 15 2012. Committee members evaluate medical practice and professional competency and make recommendations on investigations conducted by the board.
“I applaud Dr. Kalafut’s dedication to the mission of the board and steadfast leadership during her tenure as president and I am pleased that she will continue to help protect the public as a member of the district review committee” Gov. Perry said. “I am equally pleased that Dr. Zeitler will be taking the reigns as president and know that he shares my strong belief that Texas must have a strong and fair Medical Board.”
Zeitler is vice president of medical affairs at the Shannon Medical Center and a staff physician at the Shannon Senior Center. He is chairman of the Shannon Medical Center Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee and a member of the Trauma Committee and Patient Safety Care Committee. He is also a member of the American Academy of Family Practice Texas Medical Association Concho Valley Medical Society and Texas Osteopathic Medical Association.
He is a member of the University of Texas at Austin Dean’s Council and was chosen as one of Texas Monthly’s Super Doctors from 2004–2007. Zeitler is board certified by the American Board of Family Medicine. He received bachelor’s degrees from Angelo State University and the University of Texas at Austin a master’s degree in healthcare management from the University of Texas at Dallas and a doctorate of osteopathy from the Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine.
He replaces Roberta Kalafut as president. Kalafut is a physician in private practice at SpineAbilene. She served as the first female president of the TMB and is a member of the Texas Osteopathic Medical Association Texas Medical Association and American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
She is also a member of the Abilene P16 board and a LEAD committee member of the Abilene Chamber of Commerce. Kalafut is board certified in physical medicine and rehabilitation and pain medicine.
She received a bachelor’s degree from Youngstown State University and a medical degree from Ohio University College of Osteopathic Medicine. She completed her residency in physical medicine and rehabilitation at Johns Hopkins Hospital and Sinai Hospital of Baltimore.