Gov. Perry Orders Implementation of Resource Demobilization Plan

Published: 08-22-07

AUSTIN – With Hurricane Dean tracking southward sparing Texas from any major impact Gov. Rick Perry today ordered the state to begin withdrawing resources that had been pre-deployed to South Texas. Approximately 1600 buses Texas Military Forces search and rescue aircrafts and 4500 personnel Texas elite search and rescue teams and 80 refuelers were staged in the Rio Grande Valley region and San Antonio to support communities’ preparedness efforts for potential storm effects.
The resource demobilization plan includes resources intended for evacuation search and rescue operations and the safe return of private fuel sector and volunteer disaster relief organization assets. The statewide shelter hub network which consists of 28 communities in Texas will also stand down preparedness efforts.
“At every level Texans responded to this threat with remarkable forethought and dedication” said Gov. Perry. “Luckily our state was spared and it is time for the dedicated men and women who answered the call of duty to return home.”
“Texans can rest assured that the next storm to threaten Texas be it next week or next year will be met with the same level of commitment.  We were ready this time and we will be ready next time.”
The State Operations Center (SOC) began withdrawing resources this morning. The state worked closely with federal and local officials private companies and volunteer organizations to organize support efforts for South Texas. Demobilization of resources is expected to be complete before the weekend.
The following demobilization actions are underway:
Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT)
• Courtesy patrols continue to be deployed along evacuation routes to support the safe departure of emergency vehicles and buses previously deployed to support a possible evacuation.
• TxDOT is scaling back its temporary suspension on lane closures for highway construction projects in its southern coastal districts and along potential hurricane evacuation routes.  Temporary lane closure suspensions will remain in place along select evacuation routes to facilitate the safe departure of emergency vehicles and buses previously deployed to support a possible evacuation.
• TxDOT is overseeing the return of materials previously deployed for comfort stations and temporary refueling locations along evacuation routes.
Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS)
• DPS is coordinating the return of school buses and other emergency personnel from the Rio Grande Valley. Buses are leaving in groups of 20 every 15 to 20 minutes. They will go to the Alamo Dome to unload any equipment that was loaded onto them and for a final safety check before heading to their home destination. After all school buses have been withdrawn commercial buses will follow.
Texas Parks and Wildlife
• Search and rescue teams are set to demobilize beginning today.
Texas Engineering and Extension Service
• Texas Task Force 1 and 2 will begin to stand down their efforts beginning Wednesday.
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