Gov. Perry Reappoints 3 Presiding Judges

Published: 11-12-08

width=65Stephen B. Ables of the Sixth Administrative Judicial Region -- Gov. Rick Perry has reappointed Stephen B. Ables of Kerrville as presiding judge of the Sixth Administrative Judicial Region Texas for a term to expire in 2012. The region is comprised of 24 counties.

Ables is judge of the 216th District Court serving Kerr Kendall Gillespie and Bandera Counties. He is dean of the Texas College for New Judges and a founding director of the Texas Judicial Foundation.  He was also a fellow of the State Bar of Texas.  Ables served in the U.S. Army and received a bachelor’s degree and a law degree from Baylor University.

David Peeples as of the Fourth Administrative Judicial Region -- Gov. Rick Perry has reappointed David Peeples of San Antonio as presiding judge of the Fourth Administrative Judicial Region for a term to expire Oct. 8 2012.

Peeples has served as presiding judge of the Fourth Administrative Judicial District Court for 12 years. He is a member of the State Bar of Texas and San Antonio Bar Association. He served on the Texas Supreme Court Advisory Committee on Rules Texas Supreme Court Jury Task Force and the Judicial Section of the Texas Committee on Judicial Ethics. He is also a past member of the State Bar of Texas Committee on the Administration of Justice past board member of Child Advocates San Antonio board member of the First Presbyterian Church Child Care Center and a Habitat for Humanity volunteer.

Peeples received a bachelor’s degree from Austin College a master’s degree in government and a law degree from the University of Texas at Austin.

Kelly G. Moore of the Ninth Administrative Judicial Region– Gov. Rick Perry has reappointed Kelly G. Moore of Brownfield as presiding judge of the Ninth Administrative Judicial Region for a term to expire in 2012.  The region is comprised of 45 Texas counties.

Moore is judge of the 121st District Court serving Terry and Yoakum Counties. He is a member of the State Bar of Texas and Brownfield Bar Association.  He is also a life fellow of the Texas Bar Foundation. Moore received a bachelor’s degree and a law degree from Texas Tech University.

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