Program provides customized job training in community technical colleges

AUSTIN Gov. Rick Perry today renewed his call for the Legislature to invest at least $60 million in the Texas Workforce Commissions (TWC) Skills Development Fund for the upcoming biennium. The governor spoke at TWCs Community College Conference where he reminded Texans of the importance of investing in an educated and skilled workforce to maintain a competitive economic climate.
I believe that community colleges and proprietary schools are a key part of making positive investments in our workforce" Gov. Perry said. Every year these institutions turn out students who are prepared to succeed in the completion of a four-year degree or to work in trades that contribute to our quality of life. Besides being anchors to their local communities these schools are ideally positioned to educate a growing population of workers that that have either been displaced by the current economic turmoil or have job skills that have been outpaced by rapidly-evolving technology."
The Skills Development Fund which is managed by TWC operates in partnership with public community and technical colleges to provide customized job training in targeted industries and specialized occupations. The governors proposal would expand the program by $10 million over the next two years benefiting both employers and employees through custom-training to better support industry demand.
Since its creation in 1996 the fund has helped more than 3000 employers train more than 200000 workers in essential workplace skills. Last year TWC awarded 41 grants totaling more than $22 million which served more than 140 businesses generated nearly 8000 new jobs and upgraded the skills of more than 11000 workers in existing jobs.
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