Gov. Perry Signs Homeland Security Legislation

Published: 06-07-07

SAN ANTONIO – Gov. Rick Perry today signed Senate Bill 11 into law creating the Border Security Council which will assist the governor in allocating border security funding.  SB 11 also establishes procedures for first responders to work together to provide mutual aid in times of an emergency and expands law enforcement agencies’ ability to use wiretapping to detect and deter serious crimes.
“We must tighten the law enforcement noose on drug cartels human smugglers and criminal enterprises that exploit our porous border poison our children and destroy our way of life” Perry said. 
“Thanks to actions taken by the 80th Legislature more officers will be positioned along the border to stop criminal enterprises more tools and technology will be used to assist in the fight and more surge operations will be funded to close down key trafficking corridors.” 

SB 11 does the following:

• Creates the Border Security Council to advise the governor on how best to allocate border security funds along the border. The governor appoints all members and the chair.
• Streamlines procedures for local government entities to engage in local mutual aid agreements. This includes defining the role of emergency management directors creating disaster districts outlining the process for political subdivisions to request and provide mutual aid assistance and providing for the reimbursement of costs.

• Expands the Department of Public Safety Commission from 3 to 5 commissioners.

• Outlines provisions for amateur radio station license holders to participate in emergency management activities.

• Expands the use of wiretaps to include kidnapping aggravated kidnapping human trafficking and money laundering.

• Authorizes the Health and Human Services Commission to maintain a registry of certain immunization and medication administered during a disaster.

• Enhances information that can be collected in the criminal street gang database.

• Requires the Governors Division of Emergency Management provide crisis management training to appointed public officers whose job duties include emergency preparedness or response.
Since 2005 Gov. Perry has spearheaded the state-led strategy of putting more boots on the ground more helicopters in the sky and more resources in the hands of border law enforcement in order to curb criminal activity along the Texas – Mexico border.  Local sheriffs’ offices and police departments have worked side-by-side with their state and federal partners during these highly successful border security operations including Operation Linebacker Operation Rio Grande and most recently Operation Wrangler.
Perry also noted the importance of local governments now being able to sign mutual aide agreements so that first responders from surrounding communities can immediately come to the aide of their neighbors in a time of crisis. 
“If a city has been hit by a wildfire a chemical spill a biological threat or an act of terrorism bureaucracy should not impede compassion” Perry said.  “This bill removes bureaucratic hurdles when seconds count and lives are in jeopardy.”
SB 11 takes effect September 1 2007. 
For more information on legislative action taken by Gov. Perry please visit
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