Gov. Perry Signs Legislation to Clean Texas Air

Published: 06-08-07

AUSTIN – Gov. Rick Perry today signed Senate Bill 12 into law which will further Texas’ efforts to support clean air incentive programs including the Texas Emissions Reduction Plan (TERP) and the Low-Income Vehicle Repair Assistance Retrofit and Accelerated Vehicle Retirement Program (LIRAP).
“Continued funding for clean air incentive programs and other efforts to reduce air pollution will ensure that future generations of Texans will inherit a beautiful state to call home” Perry said. 
“Mobile sources contribute the majority of nitrogen oxide emissions in Texas and these programs are essential in the effort to clean up dirty engines reduce emissions and protect public health.”

Gov. Perry signed the original TERP bill into law in 2001 and has aggressively pursued adequate funding for the program to help reduce nitrogen oxide emissions across this state. TERP revenue is generated primarily through vehicle title transfer fees and surcharges on the purchase lease or rental of heavy-duty equipment.  Since mobile sources fall under federal control the state must provide a mechanism for incentives to achieve reductions and meet the mandated standards at the earliest possible time.
SB 12 does the following:

• TERP is extended to 2013 and raises the cap on amount of grant dollars allowed per ton of nitrogen oxide emission reduction from $13000 to $15000 per ton to ensure larger projects qualify for grants.

• The LIRAP grant program is tiered to allow vehicles up to two years old to qualify as replacement vehicles. It also expands eligible participants to those who earn up to 300 percent of the federal poverty level.

• The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) is required to notify local officials of air permit amendments and air permit applications in their area.
SB 12 takes effect immediately. 
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