Gov. Perry Signs Monumental Cancer Research Legislation

Published: 06-14-07

DALLAS – Governor Rick Perry today signed HB 14 into law creating the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas and dedicating $300 million in general obligation bonds to annually fund scientific research aimed toward finding a cure for cancer. In his State of the State Address the governor proposed a $3 billion cancer research trust fund calling on lawmakers to join the fight against this disease and bring Texas to the national forefront of research efforts.
“The pain and suffering caused for so many for so long is what makes this a historic day as I sign legislation that gives us great hope we will one day find a cure for cancer” said Perry.
“With my signature and voter approval of cancer research bonds this November we can put an additional $3 billion into the fight against cancer to fund promising projects ensure institutional collaboration and develop promising therapies.”

Texas is home to 400000 cancer survivors. This year 95000 people will be diagnosed with cancer and 35000 lose their battle with the disease. The resources made available through HB 14 will provide research facilities universities and other members of the medical community means to support research focused on finding a cure for cancer.
Funding for HB 14 is dependant on a constitutional amendment to be voted on by Texans in November. Voters will be asked to authorize $3 billion in general obligation bonds for use during a span of 10 years.   If approved by voters the bill will take effect immediately. The first grants will become available in 2010 and funding is eligible to continue until August 31 2020.
For more information on legislative action taken by Gov. Perry please visit
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