Published: 11-10-08
Gov. Rick Perry and Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) Chairman Tom Pauken will launch the TWC Texas Veterans Leadership Program (TVLP) at 3 p.m. Monday November 10 2008 at
One AT&T Plaza 208 S. Akard St. Dallas.
WHO: Texas Gov. Rick Perry
Texas Workforce Commission Chairman Tom Pauken
WHAT: Texas Veterans Leadership Program
WHEN: 3 p.m. Monday November 10 2008
WHERE: One AT&T Plaza
208 S. Akard St. First Floor Lobby
Dallas Texas
AT&T Corp. one of the Dallas area’s outstanding employers hiring and serving veterans will host the event.
The Texas Veterans Leadership Program (TVLP) is a major $2.2 million initiative from TWC to assist veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan as they transition to the workforce and civilian life.
Dallas contact: Laurie Boullion Larrea president Workforce Solutions Greater Dallas at (214) 384-6549