Published: 09-23-08
Perry: We Will Rebuild Together
AUSTIN – Gov. Rick Perry today unveiled a public service announcement to raise awareness and encourage donations to the Texas Disaster Relief Fund. Contributions to the fund are tax deductible and will be allocated to local governments and organizations to help those directly impacted by Hurricane Ike.
“I’m deeply proud of the generosity and selflessness Texans have displayed in this tough time and glad a fund is in place that will enable impacted communities to fully recover from the devastation Ike left behind” said Gov. Perry. “Texans weathered Ike together; we will rebuild together.”
Gov. Perry was joined by Roy Spence of GSD&M Idea City which donated its time and resources to create the PSA and Dale Laine of the Texas Cable and Telecommunications Association which has secured commitments from Time Warner Comcast Suddenlink Charter and Cable One to air the PSAs. TAB is working to secure donated airtime from its members throughout the state.
The Texas Disaster Relief Fund is a registered non-profit 501c(3) organization designed to compliment not duplicate existing relief resources provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and other insurance and non-profit organizations. It gives Texans the opportunity to donate money that will go directly to Texas communities whose resources have been strained by hurricane relief efforts.
The fund has already received more than $4 million in pledges: ExxonMobil $1500000; ConocoPhillips $1000000; Koch Industries $600000; Dow Chemical $500000; Wal-Mart $250000; Bank of America Foundation $100000; Air Products $50000; Altria $50000.
Organizations seeking support from the fund may submit their request in writing to Texas Disaster Relief Fund P.O. Box 12878 Austin TX 78711-2878. Once recipients allocate the funds awarded to them they will be required to report the identity of each recipient the amount given the purpose for which the funds were used and the amount and nature of any direct administrative costs that were deducted.
Gov. Perry established the Texas Disaster Relief Fund in September 2005 in the aftermath of Hurricane Rita to help individuals and businesses get back on their feet. Please visit or call 1-866-292-5357 for more information.