Gov. Perry: We Must Invest Wisely to Help Texans and Strengthen Our Economy

width=65AUSTIN Gov. Rick Perry today touted the Texas Emerging Technology Fund (ETF) as a mechanism to drive innovation and growth within universities and emerging technology sectors across the state. The governor spoke at the North Texas Regional Center for Innovation and Commercialization (NTXRCIC) Tech Success 2009 event where he also announced ETF investments in nine NTXRCIC portfolio companies. Today we celebrate the companies that are being created out of our efforts to find great ideas born in university laboratories and invest in their development into products that can ultimately create jobs turn a profit and keep our states economy humming" Gov. Perry said. The ETF is super-charging the research environment in our state harnessing our peoples pioneering ideas and encouraging even greater efforts to inquire innovate and invest." Gov. Perry is committed to enhancing the quality of Texas higher education system and building universities research potential through the ETF by attracting world class researchers and their staffs to Texas institutions. This provides a dynamic environment for graduate and doctorate students while building a culture of commercialization for research projects. To date the ETF has allocated $62 million in funds to create 15 world class research centers at 12 universities attracting more than 45 top researchers and their teams to the state and creating more than $139 million in industry capital investment and federal grant matching. The ETF award announcements are as follows: 21-Century Silicon Inc. is receiving a $3.5 million investment to commercialize its production process of low cost silicon for use in solar cells. The silicon would be produced at half the cost of conventional suppliers and updated design technology would allow production facilities to be developed more quickly at a lower cost. Chipotle Group Inc. is receiving a $1 million investment for the commercialization of its portable water analysis detection units. The units can run simultaneous tests for biologic and chemical agents in water reducing time and cost in critical water testing. Gradalis is receiving a $1.75 million investment for commercialization of its metastatic cancer drug treatment technology. The technology reduces the time cost and technical risks of metastatic cancer drug development while providing new low-cost treatments with lower toxicity and precision tumor targeting. MacuClear is receiving a $1.7 million investment for development of its treatment for age-related macular degeneration (AMD) the top cause of legal blindness in people over 50. The technology will treat and prevent the progression of AMD through a patented drug which is delivered through a topical eye drop that increases blood flow and fosters normal cell functioning. Modria Inc. is receiving a $1 million investment for the commercialization of its supply chain management software which allows a business to create a customizable supply chain process and manage all stages of supply chain needs efficiently and at a lower cost. Ortho Kinematics is receiving a $1.5 million investment for commercialization of its OSMIA diagnostic spine treatment technology which uses hardware and software to analyze the function of the spine. The technology will improve the diagnosis and surgical management of severe neck and back pain leading to better treatment outcomes and reduced cost. Solarno is receiving a $1 million investment for commercialization of its carbon nanotube technology for next generation solar cells which use transparent flexible carbon nanotube sheets to improve efficiency reduce costs and create access to new markets. The company is a spin out from research conducted by the University of Texas at Dallas. Syndiant is receiving a $3.5 million investment for commercialization of its smart panel projection display technology VueG8 which uses chip on chip parallel processing to enable the worlds smallest high resolution light modulators. The technology will enhance the emerging pico projector" market for cell phones personal computers and accessory products. WHAM! is receiving a $1 million investment for its next generation video applications which enable high definition consumer video calling. The ETF is a $200 million initiative created by the Texas Legislature in 2005 at the governors request and was reauthorized in 2007. A 17-member advisory committee of high-tech leaders entrepreneurs and research experts reviews potential projects and recommends funding allocations to the governor lieutenant governor and speaker of the House. For more information on the ETF please visit
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