Texas Insider Report: FORT WORTH Texas On Saturday I hosted a town hall meeting in Weatherford to hear what you want in a Congressional agenda. For too long Washington has not listened to the American people. The public is engaged like never before. Here are some of the ideas you want to see.
I asked my constituents to come to the meeting with ideas and solutions for how to reduce government spending create jobs and get our nation back on track.
Here are some of the ideas that you want to see in a legislative agenda:
- Create a stable business environment by providing consistency and certainty with government regulation
- Address how to deal with the cost of children born in the United States to parents who are not legal residents
- Reform how lobbyists interact with Members of Congress
- Provide a permanent fix for the Alternative Minimum Tax
- Reinforce the importance of vocational programs in our education system
- Create a jobs bill that does not focus on unemployment insurance but one that focuses on tax incentives for small businesses to create jobs and put people back to work.
You demand to be heard and we are using your enthusiasm to create a new agenda that is created by Texans and not the bureaucrats in Washington.