Granger: Plucking the Lame Duck

Democrats to pass a Cap & Trade this fall width=71By Cong. Kay Granger Texas Insider Report: FT. WORTH Texas Recently I wrote to you about the Democrats legislative intentions for a Lame Duck Session" once Congress returns to Washington after the mid-term elections.  The Democrats arent being shy about their intentions to pass a Cap & Trade bill this fall.   Last week White House Energy and Environment Advisor Carol Browner stated on NBCs Meet the Press  The White House is deeply disappointed that Congress hasnt passed climate legislation but wont give up on getting it done this year." Browner continued and said the bill could potentially be approved during a lame-duck session after the November election. Even Massachusetts Senator John Kerry said: We are going to continue to work. It may well be that after the election … it may well be that some members are free and liberated and feeling that they can take a risk or do something." According to a recent Rassmussen poll 65 percent of Americans say Washington should wait until the newly elected members of Congress take office" to consider major new legislation." Still the Democrats in the House rejected a Republican resolution pledging that Congress would not convene except in the event of an emergency between November 2 2010 through January 3 2011. I have heard the people of North Texas and know that I am doing all I can to combat detrimental policies forced on our nation.
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