Ground Zeros Moral Myopia

width=70Japanese cultural center at Pearl Harbor would be offensive By Charles Krauthammer Its hard to be an Obama sycophant these days. Your hero delivers a Ramadan speech roundly supporting the building of a mosque and Islamic center near Ground Zero in New York. Your heart swells and youre moved to declare this President Obamas finest hour his act of greatest courage. Alas the next day at a remove of 800 miles Obama explains that he was only talking about the legality of the thing and not the wisdom -- upon which he does not make and will not make any judgment. Youre left looking like a fool because now Obama has said exactly nothing: No one disputes the right to build; the whole debate is about the propriety the decency of doing so. It takes no courage whatsoever to bask in the applause of a Muslim audience as you promise to stand stoutly for their right to build a mosque giving the unmistakable impression that you endorse the idea. What takes courage is to then respectfully ask that audience to reflect upon the wisdom of the project and to consider whether the imams alleged goal of interfaith understanding might not be better achieved by accepting the New York governors offer to help find another site. Where the president flagged however the liberal intelligentsia stepped in with gusto penning dozens of pro-mosque articles characterized by a frenzied unanimity little resort to argument and a singular difficulty dealing with analogies. The Atlantics Michael Kinsley was typical in arguing that the only possible grounds for opposing the Ground Zero mosque are bigotry or demagoguery. Well then what about Pope John Paul IIs ordering the closing of the Carmelite convent just outside Auschwitz? (Surely there can be no one more innocent of that crime than those devout nuns.) How does Kinsley explain this remarkable demonstration of sensitivity this order to pray -- but not there? He doesnt even feign analysis. He simply asserts that the decision is something I confess that I never did understand. Thats his Q.E.D.? Is he stumped or is he inviting us to choose between his moral authority and that of one of the towering moral figures of the 20th century? At least Richard Cohen of The Post tries to grapple with the issue of sanctity and sensitivity. The results however are not pretty. He concedes that putting up a Japanese cultural center at Pearl Harbor would be offensive but then dismisses the analogy to Ground Zero because 9/11 was merely a rogue act committed by 20 or so crazed samurai. Obtuseness of this magnitude can only be deliberate. These werent crazies. They were methodical focused steel-nerved operatives. Nor were they freelance rogues. They were the leading and most successful edge of a worldwide movement of radical Islamists with cells in every continent with worldwide financial and theological support with a massive media and propaganda arm and with an archipelago of local sympathizers as in northwestern Pakistan who protect and guard them. Why is America fighting Predator wars in Pakistan and Yemen surveilling thousands of conversations and financial transactions every day and engaged in military operations against radical Muslims everywhere from the Philippines to Somalia -- because of 19 crazies all of whom died nine years ago? Radical Islam is not by any means a majority of Islam. But with its financiers clerics propagandists trainers leaders operatives and sympathizers -- according to a conservative estimate it commands the allegiance of 7 percent of Muslims i.e. more than 80 million souls -- it is a very powerful strain within Islam. It has changed the course of nations and affected the lives of millions. It is the reason every airport in the West is an armed camp and every land is on constant alert. Ground Zero is the site of the most lethal attack of that worldwide movement which consists entirely of Muslims acts in the name of Islam and is deeply embedded within the Islamic world. These are regrettable facts but facts they are. And that is why putting up a monument to Islam in this place is not just insensitive but provocative. Just as the people of Japan today would not think of planting their flag at Pearl Harbor despite the fact that no Japanese under the age of 85 has any possible responsibility for that infamy representatives of contemporary Islam -- the overwhelming majority of whose adherents are equally innocent of the infamy committed on 9/11 in their name -- should exercise comparable respect for what even Obama calls hallowed ground and take up the governors offer.
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