Group Applauds Emphasis on Expanding Existing Roadways to Complete TTC-69

Public Input at Hearings Crucial to Design and Location Process

Published: 11-14-07

AUSTIN – Texans for Safe Reliable Transportation today applauded an announcement by Texas Department of Transportation officials to use existing road right-of-ways whenever possible in planning the Trans Texas Corridor 69 (TTC-69) route.

“Using existing right-of-ways means highways can potentially be built faster more cost effectively and with less impact on property owners” said Bill Noble spokesman for Texans for Safe Reliable Transportation a statewide transportation group.  “By first considering building along existing roadways TxDOT will provide better mobility and emergency evacuation for south and east Texas.”
TxDOT also announced public hearings on the TTC-69 are to begin in January 2008.

“Public involvement is essential to the planning and design process” said Noble.  “We believe there is strong public support for the TTC-69 in the counties where the highway could be located:  Last week a majority of voters in nearly 89 percent of these counties voted in favor of Proposition 12 authorizing up to $5 billion in state general obligation bonds for transportation improvements.”

Voters in 39 of the 44 proposed counties where the TTC-69 could be located passed Proposition 12 by greater than 50 percent according to election data on the Texas Secretary of State’s website.  Only five counties fell below 50 percent.

Texas’s population is expected to grow 65 in the next 25 years while road usage is projected to increase 214.  Unless Texans change their approach to transportation road capacity will grow by only 6.  Experts argue that an expanded transportation system for Texas is not optional; it is a necessity.

Texans for Safe Reliable Transportation (TSRT) is a 501(c) 6 public education organization made up of Texas citizens employers and transportation professionals dedicated to easing traffic gridlock and improving infrastructure to move people and products more efficiently. On the web at
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