By Gary L. Bauer - American Values

Department of Health & Human Services: medical costs will keep spiraling upward even faster than now under Democratic legislation…"
Wednesday Senate Democrat Leader Harry Reid tried to add a quarter of a trillion dollars of debt onto the backs of your kids and grandchildren. Whats worse he tried to do this in order to grease the skids for ObamaCare by making it appear as though their reform" plan costs less than it really does. Thats right another $250 billion and every single Senate Republican stood up and voted NO." Thirteen Democrats also objected to the budget gimmick and it failed on a 47-to-53 vote.
Every day there are battles being fought on Capitol Hill that you are not hearing about. In these fights conservative congressmen are going to the mat for your values. I know some of you dont believe that because you dont read about it in your local paper or see it on the news. But most of the media is leftwing. They have no desire to encourage you so Ill do it instead.
Im glad a few Democrats suddenly discovered fiscal responsibility on this single vote. But long term liberals have only one solution to virtually every problem higher taxes.
ObamaCare is going to cost a lot and if it passes Big Government is going to demand even more of your hard-earned money to pay for it. And heres the real kicker: Its not going to lower costs.
Last week I told you about a study conducted by the accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers. The study found that under ObamaCare health insurance premiums will go up not down.
If ObamaCare passes families would pay $4000 more than if Congress did nothing at all.
Predictably the White House and its liberal allies savaged the report and accused the insurance industry of deplorable scare tactics."
Well Im curious to see what the Obama White House will call the federal employees at the Department of Health and Human Services. That Department just released its analysis of ObamaCare and it found similar results. Heres how the Associated Press described it:
The nations medical costs will keep spiraling upward even faster than they are now under Democratic legislation pending in the House a report from government economic experts concluded Wednesday." Emphasis added.
If government spending increases even faster than it is now what do you think is going to happen to your taxes? Thats right theyre going through the roof under ObamaCare.
As the saying goes The government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take everything you have."
A Jihadist Army Among Us?
Early yesterday morning Massachusetts authorities arrested 27-year-old suspect Tarek Mehanna at his familys home in Sudbury. Mehanna is charged with plotting to attack malls with assault weapons and kill federal officials.
Mehanna was not your typical wannabe jihadist. His father is a professor of medicinal chemistry at the pharmacy college where Mehanna graduated. For years his family has lived in Sudbury an affluent suburb west of Boston. Not many people would have labeled Mehanna as a potential terrorist given his upbringing and well-to-do-family. Mehanna is not the only case like this however.
U.S.-born Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki who currently resides in Yemen has turned to radical Islam and frequently preaches hateful rhetoric aimed at the destruction of the United States.
According to Al-Awlakis website he was the Muslim chaplain of George Washington University. He was born in New Mexico and studied Islamic sciences of Quran hadith and fiqh with scholars from Yemen. He also served as an imam in mosques in Denver San Diego and Falls Church Virginia.
How many men like Mehanna and Al-Awlaki are in the United States? I believe home grown jihadism is one of the biggest threats to our nations security. We have seen in recent months that many foiled terrorist plots have been planned by men who lived in the United States for years.
According to the New York Times Mehanna is the fifth person living in the United States to be arrested on terrorism charges in the last five months." Thankfully we have brave men and women in our security forces who are protecting this country everyday from Islamic fascists like Mehanna and Al-Awlaki.