Published: 11-21-07

Unfortunately while we go about our daily lives we sometimes take for granted the sacrifices that the men and women in uniform have made to protect us and the American way of life.
There are no words that can fully express the debt of gratitude we owe our nation’s soldiers and veterans. One of the ways we can show our support is to encourage them in their mission and show our appreciation for their service and sacrifice when they return home.
This year the House and the Senate did just that by passing legislation (H.R. 2642 the 2008 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs spending bill) that includes the largest increase in veterans funding in the 77-year history of the VA. However veterans are not yet able to receive this funding because so far the Democrat leadership has failed to approve the final version of the bill for President Bush to sign into law.
I have joined with other conservatives in the House in urging Speaker Pelosi to put aside partisanship and quickly allow us to pass the bill so that funding for America’s heroes is not jeopardized.
We must keep our commitment to the defenders of our freedom by finally enacting into law this important legislation that has already passed both the House and Senate once with broad bi-partisan support and funds services for America’s veterans and men and women currently in uniform. Each day that this legislation awaits final passage our veterans lose $18.5 million. This is simply unjust and Congress must stop playing games with this funding.
Congressman Hensarling Signs Earmark Reform Pledge
Preventing wasteful spending by Congress has been a top priority of mine since I was first sworn in in 2003. The culture of spending in Washington is out of control and the process of earmarking plays a large role in contributing to Congress’ fiscal irresponsibility.
Congressman Hensarling Signs Earmark Reform Pledge
Preventing wasteful spending by Congress has been a top priority of mine since I was first sworn in in 2003. The culture of spending in Washington is out of control and the process of earmarking plays a large role in contributing to Congress’ fiscal irresponsibility.
Last year alone Congress spent $29 billion on earmarks requested by individual lawmakers to benefit a limited specific group of people. This is more than the government spent on veterans’ health care and medical research combined. This is just plain wrong and goes to show how out of control earmarks have become.
Emphasizing my commitment to lower government spending and fiscal accountability I recently signed the House Earmark Reform Pledge authored by the non-partisan budget watchdog group Citizens Against Government Waste.
By supporting this pledge I wanted to make absolutely clear that I believe Congress needs to pass commonsense reforms such as full disclosure of all spending requests in bills and legislation that will end the link between campaign contributions and earmarks.
More earmarks mean more spending and more spending means even higher taxes. You are taxed enough. I am working hard to ensure that we reign in federal spending so it does not encroach on your paycheck.