By Gary Polland
Published: 02-19-09
Will Gov. Perry Stay In The Race Or Hang It Up As He Promised Funders Four Years Ago?

The race is on in the 2010 Texas Governors race. The clash of titans Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison vs. Governor Rick Perry (going for a world record 14 years in office.) Early polling shows Sen. Hutchison in the lead but Perry is a formidable campaigner conservatives should watch the actions of the candidates and not their word.
Sen. Hutchison rates a lifetime American Conservative Union rating of 90.27 which compares favorably with well-known conservatives like Senators Orrin Hatch Mike Enzi Jon Thune Sam Brownback and Mitch McConnell.
Gov. Perry has no legislative record in recent history but usually can be counted on to say the right thing. In 2008 the Governor was ripped by Conservative Republicans of Texas for abandoning conservatives on such issues as immigration amnesty HPV vaccination and the gross receipts tax.
This will be a fascinating race (if it in fact occurs) and conservatives need to study closely whod be best for Texas down ballot GOP candidates and conservatives.