Hispanics Urge SBOE to Include Hispanics Within Social Studies Framework

Paul Herrera Lt. Col. US ARMY/Retired Texas State Commander American GI Forum Testimony to the State Board of Education by American GI Forum of Texas paul-herreraGood Afternoon Madame Chairman Lowe and Good Afternoon to each of you State Board of Education Members. And Good Afternoon Commissioner Scott. Let me begin by thanking each of member of the Board and Commissioner for your tireless effort in serving public education on behalf of the millions of students in our Texas public and charter schools. I am the State Commander of the American GI Forum; We are the only Congressional Chartered Hispanic Veterans organization and the second oldest Hispanic organization in the United States. You have already about our dear founder Dr. Hector P. Garcia of Corpus Christi Texas. However I am here to present some additional Corpus Chrisitians for consideration to be include within the Social Studies TEKS framework. There are Three brothers who reside in Corpus Christi yet have had a major influence nationwide especially to us Hispanics here in Texas  The Bonilla Brothers; William Tony and Ruben. These three brothers were on behalf of Millions of Mexican Americans early legal pillars within the Civil Rights Movement of the 60;s and 70s and also creating and opening business opportunities for the minorities owned small business and much more did they accomplish. Yet they continue quietly  their law practices in the Corpus Christi area. Three Brothers I believe would be most appropriate to be included within a 4th or 5th grade strand or maybe even a High School strand? These three gentleman are a small example of the many Hispanics you could easily and I mean easily include within you Social Studies framework. You the State Board of Education are undertaking an enormous task by rewriting or updating the Social Studies TEKS. I salute you. However I plead with each of you to take to heart what I and many Hispanic organizations will and are bringing forth to you today. I need not remind you that almost half of the student population in Texas is Hispanic and growing. Please this is neither about a liberal or conservative agenda nor a left wing as much as it is a right wing! It is only about doing the RIGHT THING! The Honorable Thing! I served my Country with Honor. I love my Country with Honor.
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