By Matthew Tejada
Public Interest Advocate
Published: 08-01-07
Public Interest Advocate
Published: 08-01-07

The legislation pulls back the curtain on previously secretive practices in Congress that benefit narrow special interests. For the first time legislators will have to disclose the names of lobbyists who bundle campaign contributions. There is meaningful and effective disclosure and accountability in the earmarking process.
Speaker Pelosi and Reps. Chris Van Hollen and Rahm Emanuel deserve special recognition for their leadership and tireless efforts to ensure that the bill retained strong meaningful reform.
TexPIRG now calls on the Senate to adopt the bill without any changes. The bill that returns to the Senate is stronger in several areas than the one they already passed with strong bipartisan support. Efforts to derail the bill at this juncture cannot be done in the name of protecting the public. We must not lose this historic opportunity for change to partisan infighting.