Honoring the Fort Hood Troops

By Representative John Carter john-carterIve spent several days during the past two weeks in my district at Fort Hood visiting soldiers and family members who were injured or lost loved ones during the tragic shooting on Nov. 5. And as far as Im concerned this was an enemy attack on American troops on American soil. As one soldier who was shot six times told me victims were sought out because they were in their Army uniforms. That being said its only appropriate that these soldiers who were in fact standing in line to get processed to go into war zones should be entitled to all the benefits we have established to honor those wounded or killed in combat. I introduced a bill on Tuesday that would grant combatant status to those who were injured or killed during the Fort Hood attack. This is about giving soldiers the benefits other soldiers are given if unfortunate enough to be killed or injured in the combat zone. It should make no difference in our care for the wounded and the families of the slain whether it occurred on an Army base in Iraq Afghanistan or Texas. Our Fort Hood casualties should receive the same benefits and recognition as other combat casualties as this was a planned terror attack on U.S. military personnel. Combatant status would make military personnel eligible to receive the Purple Heart and civilians eligible to receive the equivalent award the Secretary of Defense Medal of Freedom. It would also guarantee that the beneficiaries of all military personnel who lost their lives in the attack would receive the maximum life insurance available extended family housing privileges and other benefits. This bill is not about investigations or assigning blame. Its about taking care of our troops and their families first. There were events of heroism that took place stories I hope continue to be told and this is just one small way we can honor those who mad sacrifices on that sad day.
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