House Neglects Considering Budget for 1st Time Since 1974

By Congressman Jeb Hensarling width=118Texas Insider Report: DALLAS Texas Enough is enough. For the first time since 1974 the House has failed to even consider a budget. President Obamas State of the Union address earlier this year actually showed some promise: he declared that he would work within a budget to invest in what we need and sacrifice what we dont.   As we all know by now the Democrats have decided to not only ramp UP wasteful Washington spending but they are trying to hide the dangers of this spending binge by not even passing a real budget - one of the most basic responsibilities of Congress. In a political year the Democrats do not want to spend time debating their out-of-control spending habits. They dont want to prioritize job creation in the budgetary process because they dont have a plan for job creation. They would rather just skip the process altogether. Any sense of responsibility to prepare an annual budget to protect taxpayers or develop a plan to help create jobs is a distant memory to Democrat leaders. What is the most important issue to the American people right now? Jobs jobs & more jobs ... not spending spending & more fiscal insanity. As families across North and East Texas continue to face pressure on their family budgets our growing debt and stifling of a real economic recovery continues to slow job growth. The national debt now represents about 90 of our entire economy considered by some economists to be the danger zone for economic growth. Such national debt is unprecedented unfathomable and unconscionable. In fact I talk to business owners and entrepreneurs every day who say they have money to invest in their companies but they are holding back because they cant predict the next move out of Washington. We have capital sitting on the sidelines while the American people need jobs and a vibrant economy. We must have REAL change in November. The Democrats have controlled Congress since 2006 - it is time to fire Nancy Pelosi. We have an opportunity in 2010 to make that change and once again start advancing our ideas to promote real economic growth and restrain wasteful Washington spending. We cant wait till 2012. The change has to start this fall. This is truly one of the most important elections in which you and I have participated. I need your help now to make a difference in Washington. I have two opponents in the general election and will be using every resource at my disposal to help retire Nancy Pelosi as speaker. width=71I need your help today. Your friendship and help means so much to me especially when I know that times are tough for many Americans. Thank you for joining me to advance the cause of faith family free enterprise and freedom.
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