House Passes Gattis Bill to Protect Homeowners

Reforms Property Tax & Appraisal System width=65The Texas House of Representatives has passed a bill by State Representative Dan Gattis that will bring accountability and transparency to the property tax and appraisal system.  HB 2291 would make the effective tax rate for taxing entities the starting point for adopting next years tax rate.  This would let individual taxpayers know when a taxing entity is raising taxes.  Right now local taxing entities essentially raise taxes through increased appraisals without having to vote on an actual tax rate increase.  This legislation would truly give taxpayers an ability to know when their taxes are being changed.  Representative Gattis bill will now be sent to the Senate for consideration. Taxpayers deserve to know when their taxes are raised.  This bill makes the property tax and appraisal system transparent and accountable to the property owners Representative Gattis said. Property owners will no longer have to equate increased property appraisals with automatic increased taxes.          HB 2291 would still allow taxing entities to adopt a higher or lower tax rate.  This bill simply ensures that residents are aware that their rates are being changed.  During the interim Representative Gattis served on the House Select Committee on Property Tax Relief and Appraisal Reform.  This legislation was drafted as a result of concerns heard by Rep. Gattis during committee hearings where members traveled the state to hear from homeowners from El Paso to Houston.  Representative Gattis is serving his fourth term in the Texas House of Representatives and represents House District 20 which includes much of Williamson County and all of Milam County.
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