AUSTIN - As Voter ID legislation is addressed in the House Elections Committee members of the House Republican Caucus address their priorities to defend the integrity of the electoral system. Below is statement of principles signed by House Republican Caucus members.
We are closely monitoring the Voter ID bill and are fervently committed to advancing a Voter ID bill.
Our principles concerning what legislation must contain are clear this bill must:
- Ensure a valid photo identification is needed to vote
- effect at the next possible uniform election date
- free of any registration requirements such as same day voter registration that dilutes the intent of the bill which is ensuring fair and accurate elections
- Increase criminal penalties for voter fraud and registration
We are all strongly encouraging Chairman Todd Smith and the other Representatives on the Elections Committee to present a bill which protects the integrity of the electoral process is fully implemented at the next possible uniform election date and ensures a reasonable period of advanced registration to allow voter registrars the time to protect the integrity of the registration process."
Aycock Jimmy Don
Anderson Charles
Berman Leo
Button Angie Chen
Brown Betty
Brown Fred
Callegari William A.
Christian Wayne
Chisum Warren
Crabb Joe
Craddick Tom
Creighton Brandon
Crownover Myra
Davis John
Driver Joe L.
Elkins Gary
Fletcher Allen
Flynn Dan
Geren Charlie L.
Gattis Dan
Hancock Kelly G.
Harless Patricia
Harper-Brown Linda
Hughes Brian
Hunter Todd
Isett Carl H.
Jackson Jim L.
King Phil
Kleinschmidt Tim
Laubenberg Jodie
Legler Ken
Lewis Tryon D.
Madden Jerry
Miller Doug
Morrison Geanie W.
Orr Rob D.
Otto John
Parker Tan
Paxton Ken
Phillips Larry
Riddle Debbie
Sheffield Ralph
Shelton Mark M.
Smith Wayne
Solomons Burt R.
Swinford David A.
Taylor Larry
Truitt Vicki
Weber Randy K.
Woolley Beverly
Zerwas John