Houston Energy Summit Meeting Held by Congressman Olson

peteolsonCongressman Pete Olson (R-Sugar Land) has announced that he and three of his Texas House colleagues Congressmen Joe Barton John Culberson and Pete Sessions will host an Energy Summit" this coming Wednesday July 1st from 10:30 AM 12:30 PM to discuss energy plans under consideration in Congress including the controversial cap-and-tax plan" as well as potential impacts to energy related jobs. Late last week Olson issued the following statement in response to the Congressional Budget Office report on H.R. 2454 the Democrats climate" legislation that narrowly passed the House last Friday: The Democratic Congressional cap-and-tax plan is a shell game designed to funnel billions of taxpayer and industry dollars through government to fund their restrictive energy plan.  The Congressional Budget Office puts the price tag at $110 billion dollars most of which will come from industry and be passed onto consumers in the form of higher energy bills.  Faced with an outcry over the impact their plan will have on family budgets Democrats have tried to buy off opposition by offering rebates" to help offset increased costs.  Lets be clear this rebate is nothing more than the government giving you your own money back.  This is typical Washington:  theyll steal your wallet and then pat themselves on the back for agreeing to give you back the spare change.  And lets not forget the fundamental failure of this entire $110 billion plan it doesnt even accomplish its stated goal of reducing carbon emissions. width=150The CBO report is flawed because it fails to take into account job impacts of this legislation.  Texas is one of the largest energy producers in the nation and thousands of Texans hold energy jobs.  What happens to those jobs when this ploy is implemented? This is simply a government scheme designed to decide who gets to work in which energy job.  That is not the role of government and Americans should be outraged.  The stimulus plan was designed to create jobs through billions and billions of tax dollars.  It has not created the jobs it promised and this new energy shell game will not work either." Hosted by Congressman Pete Olson in conjunction with House Energy & Commerce Committee Ranking Member Joe Barton Congressman John Culberson and Congressman Pete Sessions the summit will highlight legislative solutions that will lower energy prices for American families and small businesses and create energy independence for the United States. When: Wednesday July 1st 10:30 AM 12:30 PM Where: University of Houston Clear Lake       Bayou Building Garden Room       (General Parking in Lot D)   Participants: Robert Bradley Institute for Energy Research Victor G. Carrillo Texas Railroad Commissioner Pat French Texas Alliance for Energy Producers Bob Kahn Electric Reliability Council of Texas Congressman Joe Barton (TX-06) Congressman John Culberson (TX-07) Congressman Pete Olson (TX-22) Congressman Pete Sessions (TX-32)
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