Houstons Stephen Munisteri Announces for Republican Party Chairman

republicanHOUSTON -- Long-time conservative & Republican activist Stephen P. Munisteri of Houston has announced he is seeking the Chairmanship of the Republican Party of Texas at its State Convention in Dallas the weekend of June 11 2010.   Munisteri has been involved in the Republican Party and the conservative movement for 38 years and is a retired attorney and businessman from Houston.  In announcing his candidacy Munisteri stated I believe both the Republican Party of Texas as well as our country are at crossroads.  Our country which after the election of Ronald Reagan moved in the direction of free enterprise entrepreneurship strong national defense less government intrusion in our lives and lower tax rates has been dramatically moved to the left by President Obama with massive government programs and bailouts.  Republicans have a unique window of opportunity to reverse some of these disastrous Obama policies before it is too late but must act quickly to seize momentum." Munisteri sought to clarify & explain his view of the Party Chairmans role saying However to do so the Republican Party must be a more effective organization and that is why I am seeking the role of Chairman.  Although I am a solid Conservative I believe the Republican Party must do a better job at reaching beyond just its base to independent and minority voters without sacrificing its core beliefs.  Most important to this effort the Republican Party must do a much better job of reaching minority communities especially the Hispanic community."  cathie-adamsHis announcement means he joins Tom Mechler of Amarillo in challenging current RPT Chariman Cathie Adams of Dallas. In order for the Republican Party to remain a majority party in Texas a new state Chairman must also be able to work all of the various activists and groups who are disenchanted with the liberal Democrats and Congress.  It is vital to ongoing Republican success to keep all of these groups within the party" said Munisteri. Munisteri elaborated on his experience and qualifications to serve as State Party Chairman saying I have spent 38 years working within the Republican Party working on dozens of campaigns I have been a precinct chairman a member of the SREC attended multiple state conventions and national conventions and have worked across Texas and other states for several Presidential campaigns" Munisteri said. I have strong business administrative skills having built a law firm from a single person into a 49-person operation including 20 attorneys and a multi-million dollar budget larger than that of the RPT" added Munisteri. In support for his candidacy Munisteri announced the following as supporters of his campaign:
  • Mike Boylan past State Chairman of the Associated Republicans of Texas
  • Mr. William McMinn past State Finance Director of the Associated Republicans of Texas
  • Robert Mosbacher Jr. past State Finance Chairman of the Texas Republican Party former president of the United States Overseas Development Corporation and the Partys past nominee for Lieutenant Governor
  • Robert Miller prominent attorney with Locke Lord(Bissell & Liddell LLP)
  • former State Representative Martha Wong
  • former State Representative Brad Wright
  • former Missouri Lt. Governor William Phelps
  • well-known Republican attorney Frank Reilly
  • Jessica Colon past National Chairman of the Young Republican Federation
  • and prominent Houston businessman Ross Davis of Davis Southern Operating and Davis Asset Management. 
SteveAdditionally Munisteri has signed up Precinct Chairman SREC members past Republican staff members and Conservative activists to assist in the campaign.  The campaign has opened up a headquarters located at 3637 W. Alabama #210 Houston Texas 77027.  Munisteri will campaign full time between now and June.
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