Huckabees Big-Government Education Talk is a Capital Offense&"

Club for Growth
Published: 08-27-07

Washington – In an attempt to become a “different kind of Republican” Mike Huckabee is quickly becoming the candidate of Big Government on education.

The only candidate to grovel before the National Education Association’s Representative Assembly in July Huckabee often boasts about a 2005 law he signed as governor requiring Arkansas schools to offer art and music classes and appears hell-bent on taking his interventionist big-government beliefs to the national level. 
Since the announcement of his candidacy Huckabee has called for more arts and music classes and a program he likes to call “personalized learning” in which “you find out what the passions and interests of the student are and you help tailor some curriculum around that individual’s interest.”

Huckabee is also on record opposing comprehensive school choice—the one reform that would actually improve our education system and empower parents.  “Apparently” Club for Growth President Pat Toomey said “being a ‘different kind of Republican’ is code word for being a Democrat.  When you win praise from a Boston Globe editorial and have the dubious honor of being Barack Obama’s favorite GOP candidate that’s usually a bad sign.”

“If Governor Huckabee wants to strum his bass guitar and play in a band that’s great but it’s not his job as Governor or President to force his personal curriculum on local schools” Mr. Toomey continued.  “Our education system needs more flexibility more competition and most of all more choices for parents not another politician telling local schools how to do their jobs.”
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