Published: 02-25-08
CORPUS CHRISTI -- Hundreds of supporters jammed aboard the USS Lexington Wednesday to support the campaign of Corpus Christi attorney Todd Hunter for the District 32 state representative seat.
The bipartisan crowd included state county and local officials as well as scores of voters ready to take District 32 back for common-sense conservative government.
Hunter who previously served four terms in the House of the Representatives is seeking the seat after retiring from public service in 1977 promising to return when his three children were older.
“Today is a new day for District 32” said Hunter. “Today we begin the challenge of restoring real leadership and conservative values back to the District 32 legislative seat. Working together we can make the future bright not only for ourselves but for our children and our grandchildren.”
The broad-based crowd included Republicans Democrats and Independents who have joined together to help restore effective leadership in the Coastal Bend legislative delegation.
Among the state officials attending the event were Texas Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson and Texas Railroad Commissioner Michael Williams who each gave keynote speeches and urged voters to return Hunter to public office. Both speakers brought the crowd to their feet with spirited appeals to get out and work for Hunter’s election to the post.
State Rep. Geannie Morrison R-Victoria who heads the House Higher Education Committee joined 10-year-old Anthony Opel in leading the pledge of allegiance to the Texas flag. Several former legislators also attended the event including Campaign Chairs Judy Hawley and Hugo Berlanga former Democratic legislators from Portland and Corpus Christi and former State Rep. Clyde Alexander formerly of Athens who chaired the House Transportation Committee during his tenure in the legislature.
The campaign recognized the large number of precinct chairs all four county chairs and campaign co-chairs from around the district.
Those who packed the event were from all four counties in District 32 as well as numerous people from around the Coastal Bend. The Rev. Dale Pogue retired pastor of the First Baptist Church in Taft gave the invocation and Capt. Craig L. Reynolds USN Ret led the crowd in the pledge of allegiance to the U.S. flag.
A special video showed endorsements from state and local officials from across the district.
“Todd Hunter was always available and knowledgeable on those issues critical to the military in the Coastal Bend” Capt. Reynolds said in announcing his support of Hunter. “His reputation for nothing-left-to-chance in Austin convinced me that he is the right candidate at the right time.”