Hutchison Responds to President Obamas Remarks On Terror Attacks

kay-bailey-hutchWASHINGTON D.C. U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Tex.) the Ranking Republican on the Senate Commerce Committee which will be holding hearings on January 20 2010 regarding the terrorist incident on Delta Airlines flight #253 that occurred on Christmas Day released the following statement in response to President Obamas remarks today regarding Umar Farouk Abdulmutallabs attack and the rise of Al Qaeda in Yemen: I hope President Obamas words are followed by concrete actions to rectify shortcomings in our intelligence gathering sharing and utilization.  We also need to review airline security procedures and I look forward to the Senate Commerce Committees hearings on January 20th and hope that the Obama Administration fully cooperates with the Committee and participates in the hearing so we can quickly move to improve our nations security.  I disagree however with President Obamas continued drive to close the Guantanamo Bay facility in the face of continued threats.  Closing Guantanamo and transferring terrorists to our shores and other countries will make our nation less safe will provide enemy combatants and terrorists Constitutional protections reserved for American citizens and could ultimately risk sending these terrorists back into the battlefield where they can continue to do harm to our soldiers and our country. I will continue to oppose the Presidents decision to close Guantanamo and will do all I can in the Senate to deny funding for any scheme that would transfer prisoners to the United States."  The January 20 2010 hearing will focus on emerging threats in aviation security and the Transportation Security Administrations (TSA) ability to adapt and address these evolving security issues.
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