Immigration Reform: Conservative National Leaders Urge Action Respond to Presidential Address

width=134Texas Insider Report: MIAMI Florida   Conservatives for Comprehensive Immigration Reform (CFCIR) will take its National Press Conference Call on the road" to Miami FL. This will be CFCIRs 6th Call updating the Coalition on the on-going efforts to pass immigration reform with some of the countrys most influential Conservative leaders.  On July 1st President Obama answered the call of many prominent Conservative leaders to address the nation on the need for Comprehensive Immigration Reform. Several of these influential leaders will be on our Call and will give their reaction to the Presidents speech. At the end of the Call press and callers will be able to ask questions from our speakers.  This Conference Call will feature:
  • Richard Land President of the Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission
  • Rev. Guillermo Maldonado Senior Pastor of El Rey Jesus
  • Dr. Joel Hunter Senior Pastor Northland A Church Distributed
  • Rev. Samuel Rodriguez President The National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference (NHCLC)
  • Pastor Pablo Lago Senior Pastor and Founder La Roca Firme Brethren in Christ Church
  • Noel Castellanos CEO Christian Community Development Association
  • Congressman Lincoln Diaz-Balart (R-FL)
  • Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL)
  • width=71Juan Hernandez Founder of Conservatives for CIR Moderator of Call
This event will be open to the public and press with a question and answer session at the end. If you are in the area please come to the Miami World Relief Office at 1:30pm ET for refreshments and fellowship. WHEN:   Wednesday July 7th at 2 pm EDT (1:00pm CT 11:00am PCT) WHERE:   Miami World Relief Office 2150 SW 8th St. 2nd Floor Miami FL 33135 Press & Public Conference Call:   Wednesday July 7th at 2:00 p.m. E.T. Call-in number:   913-643-4201 Conference Code:  7436701** Contact:   Juan Hernandez 4750 Bryant Irvin Rd. Ste. 808 Fort Worth TX 76132
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