Dallas-area ad campaign urges lawmakers to get serious on sanctuary cities

The Immigration Reform Coalition of Texas representing a wide variety of groups and citizens calling for better protection of the U.S. border and control of illegal immigration in Texas has launched a series of radio ads that will play in the Dallas/Fort Worth area to urge lawmakers there to get serious on eliminating sanctuary city" policies.
Gangs like MS-13 are infiltrating our country and bringing the Mexican drug war to U.S. soil" said IRCOT director Rebecca Forest. These gangs are predominately made up of illegal immigrants and sanctuary city policies are protecting their members encouraging more drug violence and making matters worse not better for U.S. born minorities who are far and wide the biggest victims of that violence."
A series of immigration and border security measures as well as legislation to ban sanctuary city policies have been filed in the Texas House of Representatives but have not gotten a hearing.
The people of Texas have spoken clearly that this is an issue they want addressed" Forest said. Last session the legislature dragged its feet until it was too late. We cant afford to do that again this time. The people of Texas have waited long enough to bring some common sense to our immigration enforcement efforts."
The ads began airing on Tuesday 3/31/09 in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area on KSKY 660 AM & 92.2 FMÂ For more information go to