Immigration Reform? Its a Distraction

By David Harsanyi width=71Immigration reform huh? Well President Obama did recently consult with Eva Longoria on this formidable policy conundrum. As goes Longoria so goes the nation. Then again it certainly seems like a peculiar time to spring this divisive topic on the American people. Especially when we know full well that reform has a stimuluss chance of success. And werent we just talking about the $14 trillion debt? The budget you didnt pass? Thuggery against Boeing? Debt ceilings? Medicare? According to a new NBC News poll 58 percent of Americans disapprove of Obamas handling of the economy -- an all-time high. So perhaps the discussion wasnt helpful to the most vital imperative: electing Obama. Remember that Obama promised to fight for reform legislation in his first year in office. Instead Democrats used historic supremacy to cram through a number of legislative items that divided the nation -- but no immigration policy. Latinos are imperative to presidents when running for office less so when in it. Now in the middle of the most consequential fiscal debate the nation has faced in memory the administration shifts to immigration reform? We can guess why. Other than a superb distraction for average Americans the debate doubtlessly ignites passion on the left. Immigration reform is also a useful cluster bomb to drop within a shaky right-center alliance cracking with libertarian-traditional-business splits on the matter. The right tends to turn on itself whenever immigration is at issue. At the Mexican border this week Obama made sure to mention the support of Mel Martinez Michael Chertoff Michael Bloomberg and Rupert Murdoch. He doesnt have an Obama sticker on his car the president explained (speaking for others has become his routine) but he agrees with me on this. So what? A lot of us agree with you in principle. The timing and intent of the discussion however are what should make it irrelevant. Tangentially an immigration discussion also opens a door for the administration to once again tacitly accuse opponents of being racist swine. An administration official explained to ABC News presumably without laughing that the president was only attempting to elevate the debate. The same president who later went on to claim that Republicans may need a moat maybe theyll need alligators to be satisfied on the border. It is difficult to dispute the assertion that some Republicans may favor alligators and moats. Maybe some Democrats would as well. According to numerous polls Democrats favor tougher border enforcement in large numbers. But imagine if former President Bush bragged as Obama did this week about how he was responsible for larger levels of deportations and more boots on the ground at the border than any other administration in history? One way to strengthen the middle class in America is to reform the immigration system Obama went on to claim so that there is no longer a massive underground economy that exploits a cheap source of labor while depressing wages for everybody else. Does illegal immigration depress wages? Arguable. There are those of us who believe that increased immigration creates increased wealth and raises the average wages of all Americans. If you dont subscribe to that view and most do not how is a pathway to citizenship for millions more going to help anyone -- other than the unions Obama envisions these immigrants joining? According to a Pew Research Center for the People and the Press poll immigration policy is only a midlevel concern of voters. In another poll by Pew 42 percent (the highest number) say the nations priority should be to tighten border security (nothing on alligators) strictly enforce immigration laws and create a way for people here illegally to become citizens. So there is room for some common ground. But Republicans would be nuts to engage in any good-faith effort on the matter until there is some closure on entitlement reform and spending cuts.
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