Immigration Reform News: Change of Policy at the Border

U.S. Congressman Pete Sessions
Published: 02-22-08

width=64The End of Oral Declarations of Citizenship
The 9/11 Commission recommended that all travelers including U.S. and Canadian citizens be required to present a passport or other secure documents upon entry into the United States.

During October to December of 2007 alone Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) officers reported 1517 cases of individuals falsely claiming to be U.S. citizens. According to Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff “requiring secure and reliable documentation at our borders will drastically reduce security vulnerabilities posed by permitting entry based on oral declarations alone.” 1

In an effort to secure the border and enhance national security on January 31 2008 the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) implemented a procedure change at all U.S. land ports. CBP agents will no longer accept oral declarations of citizenship from Americans and Canadians who cross into the United States.

In the past Americans and Canadians traveling across the border could simply verbally declare their citizenship and unless the CBP agents had reason to believe otherwise they were allowed to cross the border into the United States. In order to reduce the number of false declarations protect Americans from potential terrorists and crack down on illegal immigration all travelers will now be required to present a valid passport or other documentation to verify citizenship.

Mexican citizens will still be required to provide a valid passport and a B-1/B-2 non immigrant visa or a Border Crossing Card when entering the United States. Since January 23 2007 all travelers entering the United States by air have been required to present a passport or a secure document. This policy will not change.

Single Document Option
U.S. and Canadian citizens must provide one of the following documents in order to cross into the United States:

• U.S. or Canadian Passport
• U.S. Passport Card (Available spring 2008)
• Trusted Traveler Cards (NEXUS SENTRI or FAST)
• State or Provincial Issued Enhanced Driver’s License (when available – this secure driver’s license will denote identity and citizenship.)
• Enhanced Tribal Cards (when available)
• U.S. Military Identification with Military Travel Orders
• U.S. Merchant Mariner Document
• Native American Tribal Photo Identification Card
• Form I-872 American Indian Card
• Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) Card

Two Document Option
U.S. and Canadian citizens who do not have one of the documents listed above must present BOTH an identification and citizenship document:

Identification Documents (must have photo name and date of birth)
• Driver’s license or identification card issued by a federal state provincial county territory or municipal authority • U.S. or Canadian military identification card Citizenship Documents
• U.S. or Canadian birth certificate issued by a federal state provincial county territory or municipal authority
• U.S. Consular report of birth abroad
• U.S. Certificate of Naturalization
• U.S. Certificate of Citizenship
• U.S. Citizen Identification Card
• Canadian Citizenship Card
• Canadian certificate of citizenship without photo

The new document procedures eliminate the use of insecure paper documents like social security cards voter registration cards certain health cards and baptismal documents and the new requirement now calls for all identification documents to include a photo name and date of birth.2 However children ages 18 and under are only required to present a birth certificate.

I applaud this policy change and I am encouraged to see that the Department of Homeland Security is taking important steps to secure the border—preventing illegal immigration and protecting Americans from potential terrorists. If you need additional information about this change please visit As always feel free to contact my Legislative Assistant Evan Shoop at 202.225.2231 or email her at if you have any questions.

1 DHS Ends Oral Declarations at the Borders Reminds Travelers of New Procedures on January 31. DHS Press Release January 18 2008. <>

2 Department of Homeland Security <>


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