Immigration Reform News - Prevention of Unsafe Licensing Act

Opposing Driver’s Licenses for Illegal Aliens

From Congressman Pete Sessions
Published: 11-20-07

This month in Washington I introduced legislation that would prevent states from issuing driver’s licenses to illegal aliens.  This was in response to New York Governor Eliot Spitzer’s decision to grant driver’s licenses to illegal aliens.  Providing those who are in our country illegally with state-issued driver’s licenses undermines the rule of law further jeopardizes the safety of our nation and opens a gateway for fraud.

With legal documentation illegal aliens can begin to establish legitimacy in the country by using this identification to gain other documents. 

The Prevention of Unsafe Licensing Act (H.R. 4176) introduced by Homeland Security Ranking Member Peter King (R-NY) and me has over 156 original cosponsors.  This common-sense bill prevents states from using a loophole in the REAL ID Act of 2005 that allows states the ability to create a non-federally recognized identification document.
Under REAL ID when states concede that their documents are not federally recognized they avoid having to comply with the federal standards for issuance outlined in REAL ID like requiring the applicant to provide proof of a valid social security number.  

In response to overwhelming opposition to the New York policy change Governor Spitzer decided to withdraw his proposal on November 14 2007.  However because other states may still move forward with similar plans in the future passing this legislation is crucial in keeping America safe.

The SAVE Act
I am also an original cosponsor of Congressman Heath Shuler’s (D-NC) bipartisan Secure America with Verification and Enforcement Act (H.R. 4088). The SAVE Act currently has 112 cosponsors.  I am pleased to see some Democrats standing up to their leadership’s amnesty agenda and I hope that Speaker Pelosi lives up to her pledge to move forward with bipartisan immigration reform.  The SAVE Act puts policy ahead of politics and has the potential to make significant progress in the fight against illegal immigration.

The SAVE Act is an enforcement-first bill that strengthens border security and implements an employee verification system.  The SAVE Act has three main objectives

1. Border Security
This bill makes important steps in strengthening border security by increasing Border Patrol Agents by 8000 over the next four years.  It adds 6400 agents to the Southern Border and 1600 agents to the Northern Border. In an effort to combat drug smuggling through a network of underground tunnels H.R. 4088 increases funding for the “Tunnel Task Force” by 50.  The bill also requires coordination between the Department of Defense and the Department of Homeland Security.

2. Worker Verification
The SAVE Act expands the E-Verify program by requiring all businesses to comply within four years of the bill’s enactment.  As you may remember E-Verify is a comprehensive program that allows employers to check the legal status of potential and current employees by matching names with social security numbers.  The program is fast and easy to use.  H.R. 4088 also protects employers who encounter problems but have put in a “good faith” effort to comply.  The SAVE Act is supported by the National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB).

3. Reduction through Interior Enforcement
This legislation increases the number of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents and Criminal Alien Program (CAP) officers ultimately facilitating a greater number of deportations.  It also funds additional bed space in detention facilities.  This is important because detainees are often released due to a lack of resources and bed space in the facilities.  The bill also identifies the need to address the inadequate number of federal judges in certain areas of the country that are overwhelmed with pending immigration cases.

Hopefully the Democrat leadership will move forward on these issues and bring the legislation to the House floor.  Keeping our country secure remains my top priority in combating illegal immigration.  As always if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me or my Legislative Assistant Evan Shoop at 202.225.2231 or by email at
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