Immigration Reform too Important to be Debated Behind Closed Doors

Bipartisan Vote Rejects Effort by Democrat Leader to End Consideration of Comprehensive Bill

Published: 06-08-07

WASHINGTON—U.S. Sen. John Cornyn the top Republican on the Judiciary Committee’s Immigration Refugees and Border Security subcommittee made the following statement regarding his vote to continue debate on S. 1348 the immigration reform bill.  In a bipartisan vote the Senate tonight defeated an effort by the Democrat Leader to end debate on the legislation. 

“This is one of the most important issues facing our country today.  I simply do not understand why some of my colleagues want to jam this legislation through the Congress without a serious and thorough examination of its consequences.   
“We must gain control of our borders and comprehensively reform our broken immigration system. I fully support and want to help pass a comprehensive bill.  But this proposed bill as written falls far short of what America both demands and deserves.  It does contain several long-term positive changes such as increased border security and a temporary worker program but it has several very troubling provisions that I fear unless fixed will cause this country to see a repeat of the 1986 amnesty problems. 

“Last Congress the Senate Judiciary Committee conducted roughly 13 hearings held more than 60 votes and adopted 54 amendments through an open and public debate.  This year a small group of Senators drafted an extraordinarily complex bill behind closed doors and yet the rest of the Senate was given a very limited opportunity to debate and vote on public amendments. 

“This is not how the business of the American people ought to be conducted.  For a legislation of this magnitude there should be a full and open airing of ideas.  Regrettably that has not happened and tonight a bipartisan group of Senators made clear that they do not support the decision by the Democrat Leader to shutdown debate on this very critical issue to America’s future.”
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