I applaud the Administration for seeking to advance the goal of 100 percent checks at state and local jails. But given ICEs lack of manpower resources and detention capacity large sums of state taxpayer dollars will still be needed to pay for the prosecution and incarceration of criminal aliens. This is why I strongly oppose the Presidents plan to eliminate the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program. Immigration is a federal responsibility and federal reimbursement for costs associated with criminal aliens is critical.
We cannot continue to address our immigration challenges piecemeal; we must tackle the core issues and pass comprehensive reform that secures our borders and provides our border patrol and enforcement officials with the resources they need. I hope the President will deliver on his promise to address immigration reform as soon as possible and I stand ready to assist him to that end."
Sen. Cornyn supports expanding the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP) to provide additional reimbursement to Texas communities that struggle to afford the costs associated with criminal illegal aliens in their cities. He co-sponsored S. 168 this Congress - legislation to expand the program. Sen. Cornyn was an original co-sponsor of the bill in the 110th Congress as well.
Texas alone received $18 million in SCAAP funding in 2008 and Harris County has received more than $35 million since 2000. The Administration proposes no alternative to reimbursing the states for the high costs associated with prosecuting and incarcerating criminal aliens.
Sen. Cornyn serves on the Finance Judiciary and Budget Committees. He serves as the top Republican on the Judiciary Committees Immigration Refugees and Border Security subcommittee. He served previously as Texas Attorney General Texas Supreme Court Justice and Bexar County District Judge.